Tuesday 1 January 2008

Naughty Pouncing Bear

He teases me, and it annoys me.
I like to KNOW I'm getting laid, rather than getting all worked up about it then denied.
We were at a new years eve party yesterday. He said he wants to put toffee sauce on my nipples and lick it off, when we get home. He also said he likes when I ask permission to do stuff to him, which I will DEFINATELY start more.
We got in, he bit my neck, slid down to the floor to my converse and said 'I'd lick ANY shoes you wore, yknow.' Mmm. I have a thing about wanting him to lick my shoes, though HE'S the dom. I thought he was going to lick me out but he came back up, undid his fly and pushed my head down there. I knelt before him on his HARDWOOD floor. Mmm. Extra suffering. And pushing my head down. HOT. I love that his appetite for getting head almost matches me appetite to GIVE.
We went to bed eventually, and there was mucho kissing-'I love kissing you,' he said. He's said that twice in two days now-I don't think we kiss ENOUGH, but he seems fine with the amount. I'm a very kissy girl though..I'll happily lie and make out for hours.
He growled at me to describe what I want him to do on my birthday, but I could only gasp in suprise..what DON'T I want him to do? I said I want him to get the big, big angelwings for my birthday present. I want him to wear them, and fuck me, I want double penetration with a dildo, I want him to lick my shoes and film it, I want, I want..
He said I'd get an 8-hour fucksession. I said, 'You won't last 8 hours.'
He said, 'Thats what viagra is for.' I wanted to try viagra, but he seemed against the idea. I hope he isnt fucking about, and he manages to get hold of some.
He's so, so hesitant about fucking 'around' families, but after a LOT of persuasion, I was able to scramble onto his erection. SO hard. He was all, 'this will have to be REALLY quiet and slow.' But I had that whole..Relief thing again. So relieved to get onto his cock. I love backing onto it in slow motion, feeling its stiffness..He was trying not to whine..
Then his BROTHER coming home was the problem. So we slept.
In the morning, I knew he was semi-awake. He loves the idea of being woken with a blowjob, but I'm really nervous about being told off for molesting him in his sleep-but I could feel his erection against my thigh, so I reached down and stroked it. He smiled and said good morning, and when I moved down to suck it, he pushed my head down onto it, to choke me with it. I LOVE that. I love it. He was all, 'All the way' and demanding I scratch his balls with my nails-it was pretty delicious.
He wouldn't fuck me because his bloody mother was awake, though. :/
I shared two fantasies with him this morning-that I want to be fucked bent over a gravestone (I hope we can fulfil this one, there are two graveyards near us at uni) and kissing him with my blood in my mouth.

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