Thursday, 17 January 2008


I said to Bear that I need to learn to say 'Master' more, because I have such trouble with it. I told him to not let me get away with saying 'Yes' or whatever, to his questions.
But he's keen on a punishment. He said, 'Punishment is the best way to drive it into you.' He's just looking for excuses to unpleasantly punsih me now, because he's a fucking SADIST.
So it will be Yes Master, No Master, I might suprise him by starting to 'present' myself, and I will thank him for fucking me. Sounds delicious.
Wish he'd refer to me with a slut name more often though :/ Still, I can talk to him, at least. I mean, he did the shoe thing.
I found a list of 'humiliating' punishments online. These are the few I've been subjected to:

Address Dom’s as Sir, Ma'am, etc.
After sex, making sub lick off your cum and her juices from your penis
Bondage that exposes body and/or places in odd positions
Curse words (Whore, Slut, Worthless, etc.)
Eye contact restrictions (This I find hot, if frustrating.)
Forced nudity

Ignoring slave
Having clothing chosen for her
Lead on leash
Orgasm control and/or denial
Slap face
slave positions (kneel, stand, etc.)
Speech restriction
Verbal abuse
Wear Masters cum on your face without wiping

Still. There is stuff like being masked. Mmm.


Kitten said...


Oh yeah, a lot of these are familiar ;-) But He didn't start doing or enforcing all of them at once, maybe because he was afraid to overwhelm me?

Anyway, Bear sounds pretty creative so I'm sure you'll get what you need.


Songs said...

Let's hope so eh! It does take me a while to speak up for what I want, not sure why though as he mostly says yes.
